Source code for laceworksdk.http_session

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
HttpSession class for package HTTP functions.

import json
import logging
import requests

from datetime import datetime, timezone
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from laceworksdk import version
from laceworksdk.config import (
from laceworksdk.exceptions import ApiError, MalformedResponse, RateLimitError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class HttpSession: """ Package HttpSession class. """ _access_token = None _access_token_expiry = None def __init__(self, account, subaccount, api_key, api_secret, base_domain, api_token=None): """ Initializes the HttpSession object. Args: account (str): a Lacework Account name subaccount (str): a Lacework Sub-account name api_key (str): a Lacework API Key api_secret (str): a Lacework API Secret base_domain (str): a Lacework Domain (defaults to "") api_token (str): a Lacework API token (instead of key and secret) Returns: HttpSession: An instance of this class """ super().__init__() # Create a requests session self._session = self._retry_session() # Set the base parameters self._api_key = api_key self._api_secret = api_secret self._base_domain = base_domain self._base_url = f"https://{account}.{self._base_domain}" self._account = account self._subaccount = subaccount self._org_level_access = False self._access_token = api_token # Get an access token self._check_access_token() def _retry_session( self, retries=3, backoff_factor=0.3, status_forcelist=(500, 502, 503, 504), allowed_methods=None, ): """ A method to set up automatic retries on HTTP requests that fail. """ # Create a new requests session session = requests.Session() # Establish the retry criteria retry_strategy = Retry( total=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, allowed_methods=allowed_methods, raise_on_status=False, ) # Build the adapter with the retry criteria adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) # Bind the adapter to HTTP/HTTPS calls session.mount("http://", adapter) session.mount("https://", adapter) return session def _check_access_token(self): """ A method to check the validity of the access token. """ if self._access_token and self._access_token_expiry is None: # This catches the case that the user has provided an access token instead of # key and secret. We cannot know the expiry date so we simply return return elif self._access_token is None or self._access_token_expiry < timezone.utc ): response = self._get_access_token() # Parse and restructure the returned date (necessary for Python 3.6) expiry_date = response.json()["expiresAt"].replace("Z", "+0000") # Update the access token and expiration self._access_token_expiry = datetime.strptime( expiry_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z" ) self._access_token = response.json()["token"] def _check_response_code(self, response, expected_response_codes): """ Check the requests.response.status_code to make sure it's one that we expected. """ if response.status_code in expected_response_codes: pass elif response.status_code == RATE_LIMIT_RESPONSE_CODE: raise RateLimitError(response) else: raise ApiError(response) def _print_debug_response(self, response): """ Print the debug logging, based on the returned content type. """ logger.debug(response.headers) # If it's supposed to be a JSON response, parse and log, otherwise, log the raw text if "application/json" in response.headers.get("Content-Type", "").lower(): try: if response.status_code != 204: logger.debug(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2)) else: logger.debug("204 No Content Returned") except ValueError: logger.warning("Error parsing JSON response body") else: logger.debug(response.text) def _get_access_token(self): """ A method to fetch a new access token from Lacework. Returns: str: a Lacework API access token """"Creating Access Token in Lacework...") uri = f"{self._base_url}/api/v2/access/tokens" # Build the access token request headers headers = { "X-LW-UAKS": self._api_secret, "Content-Type": "application/json", "User-Agent": f"laceworksdk-python-client/{version('laceworksdk')}", } # Build the access token request data data = {"keyId": self._api_key, "expiryTime": DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION} response = None try: response =, json=data, headers=headers) # Validate the response self._check_response_code(response, DEFAULT_SUCCESS_RESPONSE_CODES) self._print_debug_response(response) except Exception: if response: raise ApiError(response) logger.error("Call to _get_access_token() returned no response.") raise return response def _get_request_headers(self, org_access=False): """ A method to build the HTTP request headers for Lacework. Args: org_access (bool): Whether the request should be performed at the Organization level """ # Build the request headers headers = self._session.headers headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self._access_token}" headers["Org-Access"] = ( "true" if self._org_level_access or org_access else "false" ) headers["User-Agent"] = f"laceworksdk-python-client/{version('laceworksdk')}" if self._subaccount: headers["Account-Name"] = self._subaccount logger.debug("Request headers: \n" + json.dumps(dict(headers), indent=2)) return headers def _request(self, method, uri, **kwargs): """ A method to abstract building requests to Lacework. Args: method (str): The HTTP request method ("GET", "POST", ...) uri (str): The URI of the API endpoint kwargs (Any): passed on to the requests package Returns: requests.models.Response: a Requests response object Raises: ApiError if anything but expected response code is returned """ self._check_access_token() # Strip the protocol/host if provided domain_begin = uri.find(self._base_domain) if domain_begin >= 0: domain_end = domain_begin + len(self._base_domain) uri = uri[domain_end:] uri = f"{self._base_url}{uri}""{method} request to URI: {uri}") if "/api/v2/TeamUsers" in uri: logger.warning( "TeamUsers APIs is currently experimental and subject to change" ) if "/api/v2/UserGroups" in uri: logger.warning( "UserGroups API is currently experimental and subject to change" ) # Check for 'org' - if True, make an organization-level API call # TODO: Remove this on v1.0 release - this is done for back compat org = kwargs.pop("org", None) headers = self._get_request_headers(org_access=org) # Check for 'data' or 'json' data = kwargs.get("data", "") json = kwargs.get("json", "") if data or json: logger.debug(f"{method} request data:\nData: {data}\nJSON: {json}") # TODO: Remove this on v1.0 release - this is done for back compat if data and not json: kwargs["json"] = data kwargs.pop("data") # Make the HTTP request to the API endpoint response = self._session.request(method, uri, headers=headers, **kwargs) # Validate the response self._check_response_code(response, DEFAULT_SUCCESS_RESPONSE_CODES) self._print_debug_response(response) # Fix for when Lacework returns a 204 with no data on searches if method != "DELETE" and response.status_code == 204: try: response.json() except Exception: response._content = b'{"data": []}' return response @property def account(self): """ Returns the current account for the session. """ return self._account @property def subaccount(self): """ Returns the current subaccount for the session. """ return self._subaccount @subaccount.setter def subaccount(self, subaccount): """ Modifies the value of the sessions's subaccount. """ self._subaccount = subaccount
[docs] def get(self, uri, params=None, **kwargs): """ A method to build a GET request to interact with Lacework. Args: uri (str): uri to send the HTTP GET request to params (dict): parameters for the HTTP request kwargs (Any): passed on to the requests package Returns: requests.models.Response: a Requests response object Raises: ApiError if anything but expected response code is returned """ # Perform a GET request response = self._request("GET", uri, params=params, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def get_pages(self, uri, params=None, **kwargs): """ A method to build a GET request that yields pages of data returned by Lacework. Args: uri (str): uri to send the HTTP GET request to params (dict): parameters for the HTTP request kwargs (Any): passed on to the requests package Yields: Generator: a generator that yields pages of data Raises: ApiError if anything but expected response code is returned """ response = self.get(uri, params=params, **kwargs) while True: yield response try: response_json = response.json() next_page = ( response_json.get("paging", {}).get("urls", {}).get("nextPage") ) except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.error( "Failed to decode response from Lacework as JSON.", exc_info=True ) logger.debug(f"Response text: {response.text}") next_page = None if next_page: response = self.get(next_page, params=params, **kwargs) else: break
[docs] def get_data_items(self, uri, params=None, **kwargs): """ A method to build a GET request that yields individual objects as returned by Lacework. Args: uri (str): uri to send the HTTP GET request to params (dict): parameters for the HTTP request kwargs (Any): passed on to the requests package Yields: Generator: a generator that yields pages of data Raises: ApiError if anything but expected response code is returned MalformedResponse if the returned response does not contain a top-level dictionary with an "data" key. """ # Get generator for pages of JSON data pages = self.get_pages(uri, params=params, **kwargs) for page in pages: page = page.json() assert isinstance(page, dict) items = page.get("data") if items is None: error_message = f"'data' key not found in JSON data:\n{page}" raise MalformedResponse(error_message) for item in items: yield item
[docs] def patch(self, uri, data=None, json=None, **kwargs): """ A method to build a PATCH request to interact with Lacework. Args: uri (str): uri to send the HTTP POST request to data (Any) : data to be sent in the body of the request json (dict): data to be sent in JSON format in the body of the request kwargs (Any): passed on to the requests package Returns: requests.models.Response: a Requests response object Raises: ApiError if anything but expected response code is returned """ # Perform a PATCH request response = self._request("PATCH", uri, data=data, json=json, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def post(self, uri, data=None, json=None, **kwargs): """ A method to build a POST request to interact with Lacework. Args: uri (str): uri to send the HTTP POST request to data (Any) : data to be sent in the body of the request json (dict): data to be sent in JSON format in the body of the request kwargs (Any): passed on to the requests package Returns: requests.models.Response: a Requests response object Raises: ApiError if anything but expected response code is returned """ # Perform a POST request response = self._request("POST", uri, data=data, json=json, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def put(self, uri, data=None, json=None, **kwargs): """ A method to build a PUT request to interact with Lacework. Args: uri (str): uri to send the HTTP POST request to data (Any) : data to be sent in the body of the request json (dict): data to be sent in JSON format in the body of the request kwargs (Any): passed on to the requests package Returns: requests.models.Response: a Requests response object Raises: ApiError if anything but expected response code is returned """ # Perform a PUT request response = self._request("PUT", uri, data=data, json=json, **kwargs) return response
[docs] def delete(self, uri, data=None, json=None, **kwargs): """A method to build a DELETE request to interact with Lacework. Args: uri (str): uri to send the HTTP POST request to data (Any) : data to be sent in the body of the request json (dict): data to be sent in JSON format in the body of the request kwargs (Any): passed on to the requests package Returns: requests.models.Response: a Requests response object Raises: ApiError if anything but expected response code is returned """ # Perform a DELETE request response = self._request("DELETE", uri, data=data, json=json, **kwargs) return response