Source code for laceworksdk.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Package exceptions.

import logging

import requests

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LaceworkSDKException(Exception): """ Base class for all lacework package exceptions. """ pass
[docs] class ApiError(LaceworkSDKException): """ Errors returned in response to requests sent to the Lacework APIs. Several data attributes are available for inspection. """ def __init__(self, response): """Create an instance of the APIError class.""" assert isinstance(response, requests.Response) # Extended exception attributes self.response = response """The :class:`requests.Response` object returned from the API call.""" self.request = self.response.request """The :class:`requests.PreparedRequest` of the API call.""" self.status_code = self.response.status_code """The HTTP status code from the API response.""" self.status = self.response.reason """The HTTP status from the API response.""" self.details = None """The parsed JSON details from the API response.""" if "application/json" in self.response.headers.get("Content-Type", "").lower(): try: self.details = self.response.json() except ValueError: logger.warning("Error parsing JSON response body") if self.details: if "data" in self.details.keys(): self.message = self.details["data"].get("message") elif "message" in self.details.keys(): self.message = self.details["message"] else: self.message = None """The error message from the parsed API response.""" super().__init__( "[{status_code}]{status} - {message}".format( status_code=self.status_code, status=" " + self.status if self.status else "", message=self.message or "Unknown Error", ) ) def __repr__(self): return "<{exception_name} [{status_code}]>".format( exception_name=self.__class__.__name__, status_code=self.status_code, )
[docs] class MalformedResponse(LaceworkSDKException): """Raised when a malformed response is received from Lacework.""" pass
[docs] class RateLimitError(ApiError): """LAcework Rate-Limit exceeded Error. Raised when a rate-limit exceeded message is received and the request **will not** be retried. """ pass