Source code for laceworksdk.api.v2.schemas

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Lacework Schemas API wrapper."""

from laceworksdk.api.base_endpoint import BaseEndpoint

[docs] class SchemasAPI(BaseEndpoint): """A class used to represent the `Schemas API endpoint <>`_ Get details about the available Lacework schemas. """ def __init__(self, session): """Initializes the SchemasAPI object. Args: session(HttpSession): An instance of the HttpSession class Returns: SchemasAPI: An instance of this class """ super().__init__(session, "schemas")
[docs] def get(self, type=None, subtype=None): """A method to get schema objects. Using no args will get all schemas. Args: type (str, optional): The schema type to retrieve. Valid values are any API resource listed in the Lacework API\ `documentation <>`_ .Examples include "AlertChannels", "CloudAccounts", \ "AgentAccessTokens", etc.. subtype (str, optional): The subtype to retrieve. Subtypes are only available for API resources that have \ "type" like fields. For instance the "AlertChannels" resource has subtypes such as "AwsS3", "SlackChannel", \ etc. See the Lacework API `documentation <>`_ for more info. Returns: dict: The requested schema """ response = self._session.get(self._build_url(id=subtype, resource=type)) return response.json()
[docs] def get_by_subtype(self, type, subtype): """A method to fetch a specific subtype schema. Args: type (str): The schema type to retrieve. Valid values are any API resource listed in the Lacework API\ `documentation <>`_ .Examples include "AlertChannels", "CloudAccounts", \ "AgentAccessTokens", etc.. subtype (str): The subtype to retrieve. Subtypes are only available for API resources that have \ "type" like fields. For instance the "AlertChannels" resource has subtypes such as "AwsS3", "SlackChannel", \ etc. See the Lacework API `documentation <>`_ for more info. Returns: dict: The requested schema """ return self.get(type=type, subtype=subtype)